Face Rejuvenation Starting at $5000

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Face Lift
Before & After Photos

Keep in mind that each patient is unique and your results may vary.

Deep Plane Facelift - SMAS

Typically, this type of lifting is suitable for people with moderate / pronounced signs of aging. This is a surgical method that can give a fantastic rejuvenating result and turn the clock back. SMAS-lifting allows you to most effectively affect the main problem areas, since the surgeon has access not only to the outer layers of the skin, but also to deep tissues (superficial muscle-aponeurotic layer, or SMAS). This type of lifting gives the most effective and long-term result, tightening the skin and restoring the layer of SMAS.

Just 10 years ago, surgeons performed procedures only on the outer layers of the skin, which produced only a short-term result. However, SMAS-lifting, aimed at changing the superficial muscular-aponeurotic layer, gives the maximum long-lasting effect of rejuvenation, and gives the person a natural and blooming appearance. The scars also heal well, as the main tension force goes to the SMAS layer, which makes the skin firm and tight. Otherwise, if you tighten only the skin, the result will not be long-term, and the skin will again begin to sag.

Is this procedure for you?

  1. You are over 40 years old
  2. You have moderate / pronounced signs of aging
  3. You had an operation on the jaw
  4. You want to get a long-term rejuvenation effect
  5. You had an unsuccessful lifting
  6. You have wrinkles, sagging skin on your face and neck

How is the procedure performed?

The incision is made from the temporal line of hair growth to the back of the ear. The length of the incision and its location varies depending on the individual characteristics of the patient. This allows to achieve the highest quality deep results when working with SMAS-layer. Thus, this type of lifting gives the skin a more natural and youthful appearance without the effect of stretching the skin.

Endoscopic Facelift

The lift is done through a small incision hidden in the temporal line of the hair, and an intraoral cut that does not leave any notable scars. To create a natural effect, the soft tissue lifting of the cheek and lifting of the middle part of the face is done with the help of endoscopic and absorbent (Endotine) equipment. Very effectively corrects deep wrinkles under the eyes, flat cheeks and nasolabial folds. Endoscopic facelift can raise the lowered corners of the mouth and improve many areas around the cheeks during one procedure.

Is this procedure for you?

  1. You are 20-40 years old
  2. You are afraid of scars
  3. The main signs of aging are visible in the middle of the face
  4. You are unhappy with large cheeks

How is the procedure performed?

The incision (1.5 cm) is located in the temporal line of the hair and upper jaw. Separation of soft tissues is performed using an endoscope. The injection of the absorbent device Endotine helps tighten and fix soft tissues, removing wrinkles or lines on the lower part of the eyes and cheeks. Preserves a natural expression.

Endoscopic Forehead and Brow Lifting

This procedure will help remove the signs of aging in the upper part of the face - horizontal wrinkles on the forehead, brow wrinkles and goosebumps, while raising eyebrows. A few small incisions are made along the hair line.

Is this procedure for you?

  1. Any age
  2. Your forehead is low
  3. You have deep horizontal wrinkles on the forehead
  4. You have goosebumps
  5. You have constant run-offs
  6. You have saggy skin

How is the procedure performed?

3-5 small incisions (1-2 cm) are made in the scalp. The endoscope is used to tighten the soft tissues of the eyebrows and forehead, the force of the brow muscles also contracts, which tend to strain and create brow frowns. An abortive device (Endotine) is used for fixation, which gives a long-lasting and natural lifting effect.

Mini-Thread Lifting

This operation is great for people who start to notice signs of aging, but are not ready for a full surgical operation.

Is this procedure for you?

  1. You are between 20-40 years old with mild / moderate signs of aging
  2. You have a thin face
  3. You are afraid of surgery scars
  4. You prefer a quick lifting / short rehabilitation period
  5. You have a sagging of the jaw and cheek skin (mild / moderate)

How is the procedure performed?

With a small incision in the scalp and specialized threads, the surgeon can tighten the middle and lower parts of the face without leaving any visible scars. If necessary, deep tissue separation can be performed using an endoscope.

Neck Lift

This procedure corrects the area around your neck. Smoothes wrinkles and returns the contour of the neck and jaw. For many, this surgery is a very effective method of rejuvenation.

Is this procedure for you?

  1. You have saggy skin around the neck (neck muscles descending)
  2. You had a sharp weight loss
  3. You have excess skin and soft tissue in the neck
  4. You have moderate / pronounced sagging and wrinkles
  5. You have an abundance of adipose tissue on the muscles of the neck

How is the procedure performed?

Small incisions are made under the chin and behind the ear, then the skin and soft tissues of the neck are tightened at the center and at the sides. Also, by removing adipose tissue, it is possible to improve the contour of the neck.

Cheeks Liposuction

Fat in the cheeks is a deep fat tissue that creates a contour of the face. At a certain age, the excess fatty tissue falls and is the cause of vertical wrinkles coming from the corners of the lips to the chin. Removal of this adipose tissue can correct and improve the contour of the face in the area of the chin. Often in combination with a facelift, this procedure gives a longer lasting effect.

Is this procedure for you?

  1. You have saggy cheeks.
  2. You want to achieve a more precise contour of the face in the area of the chin
  3. You are over 30 years old
  4. You have large cheeks

How is the procedure performed?

Adipose tissue is removed through an intraoral incision (1.5 cm), leaving no visible scars. For fixation, absorbable threads are used, so that the recovery is quick and easy.

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Face Liposuction

During aging, some fatty tissue can accumulate in certain areas, such as the jaw, neck and cheeks. This procedure is aimed at subcutaneous fat removal using a laser or ultrasound, and is designed for delicate fat removal.

Is this procedure for you?

  1. Double chin.
  2. Skin over the neck.
  3. Saggy cheeks.
  4. Sagging of cheeks due to excessive fat.
  5. At any age, with a moderate aging of the skin with fat excess.

How is the procedure performed?

Small punctures are made under the chin and behind the ear lobe, and do not leave visible scars. First, the fat tissue is melted by laser or ultrasound, and then removed by liposuction.

Lower Eyelid Lift

Bags under the eyes visually age people, and dark circles give a tired look. These procedures will help get rid of dark circles or raise bags under the eyes that have formed with age. There are 3 options for the operation of the lower eyelid.

Transconjunctival removal of orbital fat

People with bulging lower eyelids look tired and older than their age even without wrinkles or saggy skin. With this method, excess fat is removed through the inner part of the eyelid, leaving no scar.

Is this procedure for you?

  1. You have dark circles under the eyes
  2. You have a moderate bulge of lower eyelids

How is the procedure performed?

Through an incision on the inner surface of the lower eyelid (conjunctiva), it is possible to access the pocket of the orbital fat tissue. The pocket opens, the fat tissue is removed. Then the incised edges are sewn very accurately.

Transconjunctival transplantation of orbital fat

Strong dark circles often arise because of the uneven location of orbital fiber - excessive in one area and deficiency in another. Without any scars, this method corrects this unevenness and gives a healthy appearance to your eyes. Excess adipose tissue can also be removed.

Is this procedure for you?

  1. You have pronounced circles under the eyes
  2. You have bulging lower eyelids with a sunken medial channel

How is the procedure performed?

A similar method is used, as in transconjunctival removal, a fat pocket is opened. Fat tissue is distributed evenly. At the same time, its excess can be removed. With the help of threads, a temporary fixation of the surface of the skin is made, and the incised edges are sewn very accurately.

Lower blepharoplasty

With age, the elasticity and tension of the muscles of the lower eyelids decreases, giving a tired and aging look. This method gives an anti-aging effect by transplanting and tightening each of the components of the lower eyelid.

Is this procedure for you?

  1. You have a lot of wrinkles and saggy skin under the eyes
  2. You have bags under the eyes (often in the elderly)
  3. You have weak muscles of the lower eyelid
  4. You have ectropy (eversion) of the lower eyelid

Smile Lift

With age, the corners of the mouth and upper lip corner begin to sag, and the volume of the lips decreases, giving a sad and gloomy appearance. This procedure can correct the shape of the mouth using various methods, and return it to its original form.

Is this procedure for you?

  1. You have long and flat lips
  2. You have narrow lips
  3. You have lowered corners of the mouth
  4. You have a permanently sad expression
  5. You have strong nasolabial folds

How is the procedure performed?

A small incision is made in the corner of the mouth, leaving no visible scars. Correcting sagged angular muscles of the mouth and sagging skin. The volume of the lips is given with the help of filler (filler) or own fat. Laser procedures are used to remove small age wrinkles around the mouth.


    * five and more replies from the clinics.

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